The UH-60 Black Hawk is a support helicopter that can be purchased from the Tactical Crate.
It costs 50 Shards to unlock and $50,000 to purchase. Only 2 Blackhawks can be active at any time.
The UH-60 Black Hawk is a manned helicopter with 4 seats, carrying 2 Rocketiers (holding RPGs) and 2 Gunner (holding automatic weapons and machine guns). The 4 soldiers on the helicopter can fire at enemies from a long distance away, as well as being able to fire at enemy air units such as helicopters and Pterodactyls.
Manned helicopters (Blackhawk and Kiowa) stay close to their owner, even when firing at enemies. This makes them a much more viable choice against militia (than they were before) and late game dinosaurs, as they won't fly off and get surrounded by shooters.
Summary: buy a Black Hawk as soon as you can, before other people. It's a good investment.