Dinogen Wiki
Dinogen Wiki

This page will give you a basic overview of the controls and commands available to you, the player, as you play Dinogen Online.

It's largely a rehash of what the in-game tutorial tells you, so if you prefer a more practical approach go play through that.

NOTE: Controls can be changed via Settings > Controls.


Use WASD to move. Controls are absolute; press W to move towards the top of the screen regardless of which way you're facing. Sprint by holding Shift whilst moving in any direction. You cannot shoot while sprinting as a human. Dinosaur characters get limited stamina to sprint but can still attack while sprinting. They automatically regenerate stamina when not moving.

E is your universal interaction button. Use it to pick up weapons and ammo, press levers, open and close doors, and hop in and out of vehicles. Ensure the thing you want to interact with pops up as a prompt; this is especially important if there are several interactable items in a small area, like a pile of guns.


You can equip up to two ranged weapons, one melee, one piece of equipment, and one grenade.

Switch between your primary, secondary, and melee by pressing 1, 2, or 3 respectively. You can press Q to switch to your next weapon, though keep in mind you will not switch to your melee slot like this.

Left Mouse is used to attack with your equipped weapon.

Right Mouse Click, when held, will aim down sights which gives you more vision in a certain direction.

You can increase the max range by equipping better optics on your guns. Lock-on weapons, such as some rocket launchers, will automatically attempt to lock on provided you keep your cursor on a single enemy and there is ammunition inside the launcher. Mousing over another enemy or bringing your cursor too far away will disengage the lock, and you will have to start again.

Pressing Spacebar whilst holding a ranged weapon will attack with your melee weapon. You will only attack once with this method, even if you hold down the Spacebar. Switch to your melee weapon and hold down the Left Mouse to repeatedly swing your melee weapon.

F deploys or equips your equipment, depending on what it is. G throws your grenade towards your cursor. Bring your cursor further away from your character to throw it harder.


As a human, press C to open the voice commands menu. This allows you to order AI allies around, though human players can see the command, and act accordingly if they wish.

  • Requesting Ammo will cause friendly AI to drop ammo boxes should they have any.
  • Requesting Follow/Support will have all available friendly AI to follow your character, though Follow lasts longer.
  • Requesting Vehicle will have AI drivers leave the vehicle for the player to take.

Don't like the default controls? Change them by going to Settings ---> Controls in the Main Menu.

Oh, and there's a secret in the tutorial mission somewhere. See if you can find it.

Multiplayer Controls[]

Press Enter in a game to open the chat. Press it again whilst the chat box is empty to close it. Clicking out of the box also closes the chat box.
