Dinogen Wiki

Info on triggers, functions, conditions, operators, and actions.

"this is page is incomplete bc i dont feel writing down every single action and condition rn" - Lostuser

Triggers and functions in a nutshell[]

Triggers are a feature in the scenario editor which enables you to make stuff happen, something like creating something mid-game or making a bot do something they do not normally do.


Functions are a feature in the scenario editor which are essentially just triggers without any events or conditions and is triggered with the executeFunction action, usually used for triggers with the same actions.


Functions do not use events and are instead manually called on by the action executeFunction. Functions are more suited for repeating actions than triggers and can be used by multiple triggers. The downsides of using functions is that they cannot use special values outputted by events and cannot be called on by trigger areas without the use of another trigger.


Events are anything that happen mid-game which activates a trigger.

All keys in an event will output a special value that can be used in the actions in that trigger, for example {objectId}, {userId}, {killerId}, or {keyId}. Triggers that are activated via a button or trigger area will not output any special value except for {objectId} and cannot use {objectData:objectId here:keyId here} or {playerData:objectId here:keyId here}.

List of Events
Name Event Keys Additional notes
gameInIt Triggers when the game has been initiated (start button pressed) none None
gameStarted Triggers when the game has finished loading (nodes start loading after this) none Activates after gameInIt but before nodesGenerating
gameTimer Triggers after after the time has reached a certain value and/or when reaching a threshold value, threshold If the game has a time limit, the time will count down, if there is no time limit, the time will count up
gameTick Triggers every tick (default 60) none The ticks per second in local games or editor can decrease depending on your lag and ms
gameUpdated Triggers when a game value is updated(?) None None
gameScoreUpdated Triggers when the score is updated team None
pawnInvestigate Triggers when a pawn detects enemies or the sound of gunfire (melee included) pawnId, investigateType (broken), enemyId (broken?) Requires the pawn to have bIgnoreOutOfSight set to true and bInvestigate set to true
objectCreated Triggers when an object is created objectId, type, team, playerId, playerIndex None
objectRemoved Triggers when an object is removed (despawned, not killed) objectId Some examples of despawning are when a heli dropped off their items and exits the map, or with the removeObject action.
objectKilled Triggers when an object is killed (killed, not despawned) objectId, type, team, playerId, killerId, killerTeam Does not count assists
objectUsed Triggers when an object is interacted with objectId, userId Does not count trigger areas
doorOpened Triggers when a door is opened objectId, causerId Includes running through doors
doorClosed Triggers when a door is closed objectId, causerId None
playerJoined Triggers when a player joins playerId, playerIndex, playerTeam Includes the player joining when a game starts
playerRespawned Triggers when a player respawns playerId, playerIndex, playerTeam Includes the player joining when a game starts
playerLeft Triggers when a player leaves the lobby none Does not have any special values
playerInput Triggers when a player presses a certain key(s) playerId, keyId, bValue Does not detect inputs made by bots, detects all keys if left null or all keys except for one if keyId is filled in but bValue is false
variableChanged Triggers when a variable is changed name, value leaving it the keys null will make it activate every time any variable is changed
questObjectiveCompleted Triggers when an objective is completed questId, objectiveId None
questComplete Triggers when all objectives in a quest is complete(?) questId None
cinematicStarted Triggers when a cutscene plays cinematicId None
cinematicEnded Triggers when a cutscene ends cinematicId None
survivalIntermissionStarted Triggers when intermission starts in a survival game (includes the start of the game) wave Activates after survivalWaveComplete
survivalWaveStarted Triggers when a wave starts in a survival game wave, waveType, numEnemies None
survivalWaveComplete Triggers when a wave ends wave, reward, waveKills, waveMelees Activates before survivalIntermissionStarted
nodesGenerating Triggers when the nodes start generating (when the game starts) none None
nodesGenerated Triggers when the nodes finish generating (length depends on how much area is covered by objects with collision) none This is when the game truely starts


Conditions are requirenments that must be met for a trigger to activate.

Keys in a condition do not output special values that can be used in actions unlike events, however they can be used with any event.

List of Conditions [WIP]
Name Condition Keys Additional notes
List of Operators
Name Function Additional notes
== Equal to None
!= Not equal to Will not work if the value is undefined, an example of this is if a variable has no value (this happens when no triggers that changes or sets a variable's value has been activated at the time)
< Less than None
<= Less than or equal to None
> More than None
>= More than or equal to None
% Percent of Can only select a specific %, there is no <% or >% at the time of writing this


Actions are what a trigger/functions does when activated.

List of actions [WIP]
Name Action Key Additional notes