Dinogen Wiki

The page outlines all the available server commands in Dinogen Online.

Server commands are used in multiplayer to execute certain commands from chat.


These commands can be used at any time.


Displays server info.


Displays server statistics.


Displays server rules.

/join <lobbyId>[]

Joins a lobby by id.


Disconnects from multiplayer.


These commands can be used while in a lobby.


Displays current lobby info.


Displays current lobby settings.


Displays all players in the lobby.

/kick <playerIndex>[]

Kicks a player. Host/admin only.

/votekick <playerIndex>[]

Votekicks a player. Votekick must be enabled on the server.

/host <playerIndex>[]

Changes the host for a custom lobby. Host/admin only.

/report <playerIndex>[]

Reports a player.


Leaves the current lobby.


These commands can be used while in a game.


Commit suicide.


Toggles spectator mode. Lobby/game must allow spectators.


Switches player team. Lobby/game must allow team switching.


Voteskip the current game. Custom games only. Voteskip must be allowed by the server.


These commands can only be used by server admins.


Clears all map obstacles, trees, and dropped weapons.


Kills all bots in the game.


Displays the number of physics bodies in the world.


Displays the number of pawns in the world.


Displays the number of obstacles in the world.


Manually flags the AI path nodes to be updated.


Spawns an object.


Revives all players.


Toggles god mode for the player.
